As you guys can see by now...I come up with nick names for past, present and future men in my life. So far I've introduced you to Dreads, PYT and The Joke-ster, but this is the first time you'll be introduced to Atom whose full name is Atom Da Bomb. Lol...loves it.
Atom is my sexual Adonis. No seriously, this man could probably get me to do anything he wanted. ANYTHING. All he has to do is text me and I'm wet and horny. Whenever I touch myself or even if I'm in the company of another man, I'm usually thinking of Atom. Would Atom touch me like this? Would my body respond to Atom like it is with this guy? It's probably an awful thought for the other guy but egh...that's life. Atom is just shy of 6ft, 205 lbs, caramel and physically built, a leisure basketball player (not sure of his position though, maybe shooting guard/power forward). I'm pushing 140 lbs, 5' 2" (my mom calls me Brick House) and he lifts me with ease....swoon. I should point out though that The Joke-ster has been the only man who's ever made me cum during sex (probably cause his dick was perfection, but his moves were mediocre, which to me is a more hurtful adjective)...Atom has yet to do that but I'm very confident it'll happen.
I think my attraction to Atom is that he handles me with confidence and he takes his time. He knows that my body responds to him quickly so he never second guesses what he says to me and the actions he uses. He never gets excited like "Yay I'm about to get laid, let me hurry before she changes her mind." stuff I've experienced with other men. Which is why, in that moment, I did change my mind (they didn't get laid...lol) I'm very much in the woman role when he's around but I also feel comfortable being sexually aggressive because I know it won't intimidate him. I love knowing the things I do to him make him go just as crazy as he makes me. He'll touch me everywhere except the place I want him to, while positioning himself unknowingly between my thighs. He'll make me beg and as soon as he touches me where I want him too, he'll also enter me with direct force. It's...(deep breath)...it's pretty amazing what he's capable of doing to me and vice versa. He likes when I talk in his ear, put his dick inside me myself, and take him off guard when I squeeze my Kegel muscles to show physical proof that he gets me to heights no one else can.
I had a dream last night of an old sexual escapade of ours and it went a like this...(I came during my dream by the way...yeah my memories of him are pretty powerful)
I was driving to Atom's house when I got a text from him. My heart kinda dropped cause I was hoping he wasn't canceling. I had already gone through all the steps a girl does to prepare for sex....shaving, trimming, lingerie and outfit coordination and choice of heels (fuck me heels to be exact, there are times when I'm not as elaborate but in my dream I was).
The text read: "Already hard and waiting...." (Another reason why sex with him is so good, we're really good about creating sexual tension prior to meeting. Most of the time its racy texts like this...simple and to the point...panty soakers. )
Because of my anxiousness I started to fumble as I half put my car in park and half opened my door. I literally could not get to this man fast enough. As I climbed the stairs I put on my cool, calm and collected swag. I knocked softly at the door and started to take deep breaths as I waited. Atom open the door in my all time favorite outfit a guy could wear....grey Nike sweats and an A-Shirt. HEAVEN.
I was about to say hey but my salutation was lost because in one fluid motion he had closed the door, pulled me to him and started to kiss me. It was forceful but direct. Leaning with his back against the door and his hand behind my neck, this man sexed my mouth DOWN. Steady, long strokes with his tongue and brief nips of his mouth with my teeth (he loves that). He's hands had found their way to the spot where my ass and waist meet. Both hands followed my curves around and cupped my ass from below. Lifting me off the ground he switched our places, with my back now against the door (my favorite location for sex) he propped his knee between my legs and against the door, creating a spot for me to sit. He held me in place with one hand while the other hand found the inside of my knee. He circled the inside of my knee and slowly traveled up the inside, making an effort to not touch my panties, while his mouth moved from mine to my neck just below my ear. At that point all I could do was moan his name and beg for him to touch me between my thighs, the only verbal communication we had exchanged since I got there.
All of a sudden he stopped and looked around, someone had come out their apartment but were taking the main stairs down and away from us. He started opening the door so we could retreat inside but I didn't want too. I looked behind him, made up my mind and led him by the hand to the back stair well. There was a large window that over looked a grassy area but no one would be walking that at night so for the most part it was a discreet location. I climbed about half way up the stairs before sitting down and pulling him on top me. I opened my legs and used my hand to show his fingers exactly where I wanted to be touched. He smiled because he knew I wasn't playing and pushed my panties aside. I brought his head down to mine as he inched two fingers inside of me. I ended up leaning my head back against the stairs because it felt so good.
Deciding I was ready for him, he retracted his fingers out of me but before he could do anything, I lifted his fingers to my mouth and licked them clean. Shocked and very turned on he stripped my panties off and stuck them in his side pocket (I don't know why but that turned me on to see my panties hanging half outside his pocket) I told him I needed him bad so he responded by telling me to turn around and stick my ass out. I lifted my dress and followed his directions, showing him all of what was his. His left hand grabbed his dick out his sweats while his right hand rubbed my ass before giving it a quick but hard smack (I LOVE getting my ass smacked). He slowly rubbed his head against my wetness asking quietly if I wanted it now? I braced my arm out against the stairs telling him yes, but he responded by saying he wasn't ready. I reached behind me to touch him but he smacked my ass again to keep me in line. I looked at him run his hands over his face, I guess he really was preparing himself. I opened my mouth to say something but before i could he entered me swiftly from behind with one nice, long, hard stroke. (The perfect moment of sex for me is the first entry. I had been waiting for that moment since we set up plans to meet. That's what I meant when I said he takes his time. The first full stroke is the ecstasy of sex. )
Anyway he took me right there on the stairs, fully clothed. We were hot, sticky and sweaty before we changed positions and finished with him settled between my legs while I kissed his neck
Once we were done we eventually made it back in the apartment and did it twice more...once on the couch and once while eating pizza on the kitchen counter.
Men some advice for you...to this very day, I still can't remember how big Atom's dick is. I mean size does matter, but if you can create an atmosphere where a girl can't even remember, much less give a shit about how big you are, then the sex is amazing. Period. I know people say great sex for women is all about emotions but if you noticed Atom and I didn't exchange not one full sentence. Words don't matter.
Okay, that was a long post and after reading it again and again looking for corrections, I'm in the mood to touch myself....lol.
Catch cha on the flip side.