Don't Date Him Girl's title should speak for itself. It's where angry and hurt women go a post pictures of their asshole exes and get to write a bio of their experiences with the guy. Most of the posts are the same "he cheated...he's a liar...he's crazy.." but this one stuck out and I'd like to share it with you. There some areas I find disturbing...read it and let's compare our notes later....here goes.
Lance Testa "Jake, Michael, Daniel, Alexander, last name Guyear"
"I met Lance on Craigslist in August of 2009. At first, he seemed rather boring and so I didn't pay much attention to him. But as he started coming out of his shell we began talking more and more. We began dating, and I found out that he was a con man. He promised those days were behind him and like an idiot I believed him. About two months into our relationship, I found out he was schizophrenic. Three months into our relationship, he started hurting me during sex. Then, he no longer tried to mask it with rough sex and starting beating me outright. He would fly into rages, and be completely irrational until the mood passed...."
This testament goes on about all the legal battles she went through because of this guy but I find it pointless because everything I needed to know about him was told to me in the first 3 sentences.
Point #1: Craigslist...really? Because the best dating pool America has to offer is on Craigslist.
Point #2: Con Man? I...Why?...Who?...I'm speechless! Who would continue to talk to a man who comes out the Con Man closet?! Any lie he told you was totally relevant cause he told you up front who he was! You just didn't bother to listen.
Point #3: Schizophrenics are tricky. I'm not saying they don't deserve to be loved but there should've definitly been some strong apprehension to continue dating him.
Point #4: HE STARTED HURTING ME DURING SEX?! So stop seeing him!
Problem #5: Now he's beating her outright. I'm not advocating abuse but this is a very important lesson to learn....People tell you who they are and it's your job to be intuitive and listen! If they are explaining their past and say they were a professional liar then they are! They may be sincere in telling you it's over and done with but they're more than likely lying to themselves.
Anyway...Just thought I'd share. I might actually use Don't Date Him Girl as a background check for anyone I date in the future.
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