Happy one year to me, the journey I pursued, and the city that welcomed me.
I'm very blessed and excited to see where I am in another 365 days....
This here.....this is my conscience.
With you I can climb the highest mountain
With you I can cross the deepest ocean
With you there's nothing impossible
There's nothing, no nothing,I can't do
The way you care, the words you say
The way you share, I'm here today because of you
The way you touch, the things you give
The way you love, That's is why I am, why I live
You pick me up when I was down
Now I smile, used to frown all around
You just keep on lovin' me, lovin' me
Said you must be, really must, must be,
Said you must be from....
I cry EVERY TIME I hear this part of the song. The love that I have for God has tripled during this year. I sleep on His shoulder at night and I praise His name in the morning. I am truly grateful for everything He has given me and the only thing I want to do is give back to Him. I will be able to do that with Blueprints.
Have a great day all...xoxo,
I love this song. No matter what kind of hurt you're overcoming....life is always just a lesson learned.
I did something today that has taken me years to do.....I cut the last tie.
Peep the video around 1:22
I went out last night and there was a handsome man, 31 years old (guesstimate). I feel like I should mention he was light skinned...it shouldn't matter but to me it does. He kept walking up to the bar next to me to order his drinks....2 glasses of wine. A man doesn't drink wine unless he's in the company of a female (at least not the kind of man I would be interested in) so I figured he was off limits....no eye contact, witty banter, flips of my hair.
After the 3rd time of him popping up, he finally "confessed" that he was on a date with a girl he didn't "really" like. He said he understood that it looked super shady but he thought I was really pretty and "couldn't miss" this opportunity to talk to me. He asked for my information and I told him no. He still came up to the bar throughout the night and even started a conversation with my friend while leaning over me. I found out in the car while living the jazz spot, my friend gave to him my number any way when I went to the restroom. (No I will not be answering the phone for unregistered numbers...for real!)
What the fuck is it with unavailable men wanting to talk to me?! I mean this is a clear pattern for me and I'm wondering if I have some kind of kick me sign on my back that says "Evasive Love Here". I mean I know there's men that would probably say that about me. That my love, my heart and my emotions are unattainable and they would probably be right. Which is why I took this year to figure myself out, what I really wanted out of a mate, and the kind of "men" I'm attracted to (or not attracted too) that might make a difference. I'm still working on wanting to be wife but whether they are emotionally unavailable, live in another state or dating someone else, I am a magnet for unavailable men, and I deserve better.
Even light skins pull it off....
So can the least handsome of men....
and so can white boys
(I prefer v-neck to scoop neck but egh....it works)