This post is going to be rather short. Had a conversation with Atom today and I'm not going to lie....it was one of those moments you try your whole life to avoid. Nobody ever said "Man"ing up and starting fresh was easy but fuck....
I'm used to walking away because you don't have to have those conversations. I was going to keep it light and breezy "Don't worry about it....it's all silly....I'll be fine." Instead I typed my real thoughts in 4 short paragraphs and had to read his responses back.
I've said what he said to me to other men so I'm not butt hurt....you just....you think these thoughts...and when it's confirmed by someone at the rarest moment of honesty, it hurts.
I'll think about it for a few more days but I know I'll be fine....I've overcome worse sorrow then this. At the end of the day, it's just another lesson learned.
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