Monday, January 10, 2011

Playing on my iPod....Hov

I love Jay. I really do. The old Jay though. The Don. The Boss. I mean I liked his last album until he started "playing" into all that Illuminati bullshit. Lots of people have their opinions and that's cool, I'm not hear to discuss or judge. I just know I had a spiritual reaction to some of the images in his videos as of lately and it turned me off.

Anyway I adore this song and most on his American Gangster album. Lol...I have my whole wedding planned in my head (which I'm kind of ashamed to say out loud but at the end of the day I'm still a girl so...whatev) and its going to have the style of the party in the video mixed with the parties described in The Great Gatsby. The suits. Horns. Cigars. Champagne buckets. Jewelry. Loves it. I also want this playing when my new husband and I are introduced at the reception. Until my day comes....


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