Ebony knows my past (every detail) and Ivory knows my present (every detail). Ebony knows who I am because she's been with me through past turmoils and Ivory knows who I want to be because she's on these journeys with me now. Ebony is exactly like me because of our vanity (people ask us if we're sisters all the time), our humor (we have 15 years worth of one liners...ie "Killa Keith") and personal preferences (men, fashion, music). Ivory is like me because she doesn't like girls either, things roll off her back and she views sex, men and relationships like me. Ebony is a Virgo and Ivory is a Libra (like me). Ebony keeps me grounded and Ivory keeps me light hearted. Ebony asks why, Ivory asks why not? Ebony has 1 teeny, tiny tattoo, Ivory has as many as I do. If we were Sex and the City characters, I'd be Carrie, Ivory would be Samantha and Ebony would be Charlotte (no woman, in the history of women, want to Miranda....blah)
Out of our 15 year friendship, Ebony and I have spent a total of 4 years not speaking to each other. We don't have a tolerance for the other's attitude. I'm a wild child and she's particular. Since we know each other better then we know ourselves, we know exactly what to say to break the other's spirit. We've been in 3 nasty fights, but have always come out of them. Ebony is coming to visit me in June. She had a baby girl a couple of months ago and is in dire need of a single girl weekend. She called me last night and told me to break out our old, going out mixed CD cause it's going down! Then she texted me the lyrics to one of our favorite best friend songs (I didn't say it was a good song, just one of our favorites!)...
(1:20) Her girl hollered out "We're best friends" and then I hollered "Y'all look like twins...in a competition you're a couple of tens..."
It made me laugh to think about the past and how we would play this song before heading out to break a couple of men's hearts (and that we did.) We're a pair, always have and always will.
Ivory and I are soul mates, in the non-sexual definition of the word. Our personalities are the exact same (she's white but she's actually blacker then I am...ask her anything concerning about Tupac, Bone Thugs and Too Short and she'll be able to tell you). We had a really hard adjustment when I moved out of state since we had been inseparable for the past 3 years. She felt I deserted her and I felt guilty. We didn't talk for 4 months but now that she's found her calling and I've found mine, we're happy that she gets to visit me whenever she wants/needs in Chicago and I get to see her every time I come home. She's a necessary element in my life. Period.
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