When I think of free spirit I think of some chick who believes in fairies, uses crystals as deodorant and loves to dance for the rain Gods in a field of Jasmine flowers. Is that what you think of? I typed free spirit into Google Images and the picture above popped up, along with eagles flying in the wind, purple horses running on beaches and lots of women twirling around.
I don't fucking twirl people. I don't twirl my gum, my chair or around and I'm tempted to clothesline any person I see twirling....including children.
I can see their train of thought since I don't follow the rules but I don't see how my life and decisions are so far fetched from how other people live their lives. Is it? I make myself happy first and pray the people who's opinions matter most still love me after the fact. I've lived life as other people's opinions and still struggle with it, but I'd rather be miserable as myself, then happy as some one's mold statue.
Anyway I Googled the definition of a free spirit and one result said.... "If you describe someone as a free spirit, you admire them because they are independent and live as they want to live rather than in a conventional way."....
Fuck. I guess that is me. I am very independent (not in a feminist, dildo having kind of way...I just provide things for myself without relying on other people; knowledge, material things and self worth.) and I do live life as I want (not in a hippie kind of way but my dreams don't follow the college, wife, mother path).
Instead of saying I was wrong, I went to the place I always go to set myself straight....dictionary.com and typed in free spirit and guess what it said!
"a person with a highly individual or unique attitude (believes in fairies), lifestyle (crystal deodorant), or imagination (dances for the rain Gods in a field of Jasmine flowers)" I WAS RIGHT!!!
BUT...I'm sure that's not the last time I'll be called a free spirit and I guess that's better then being called regular and extra ordinary so I'll take it with a smile...but I won't like it. Label me as original or a loose canon....
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