Lol...the picture above is so cliche but what happened this weekend was too amazing not to tell you. I was going to go into this long shpeel of details but it was too much. Short story is...
Since it was July 4th weekend, my main goal when I was making plans to go out was to look cute, flirt a bit and dance...basically, have a fun time.
I was channeling Carrie Bradshaw with my outfit, black mini dress with pockets and new pink bondage heels (ah..maz..ing). I was hand chosen from the line outside the club and was able to get my friends in for free (the douchebag bouncer told me to shut my pretty little mouth when I asked if another friend could come and I totally did.)
When we went to the bar, the bartender took a liking to us and basically gave us triple shots for every regular shot we ordered (Patron and Crown Royal...yikes...I know). I clearly didn't take into consideration that I had been drinking Margaritas and Lemondrop Martinis since 6 p.m. cause my tipsy rush hit me like a mack truck.
While we wobbled out the club a group of lesbians asked if we wanted to hang in their VIP booth. (Pheesh...the night has already fun so why not?) We had a couple of Vodka/orange juice drinks with them, then headed out to get a taxi.....THE NIGHT WAS SEAMLESS! SO MUCH FUN.....BUT...appartnely the night didn't stop when we got in the taxi....
--Next morning--
I woke up in my bed. My hair was wet and there was a large puddle of water in the middle of my hallway. (WTF???)
My friend...(we'll call her America) lives right next to me. I looked like shit and felt worse so I looked for my phone to call her. No phone. No purse. No delicious pink bondage heels??? After all the drinking excursions I've had this was a first.
I jumped in the shower, (which from the scene in my bathroom I had done a lot of last night), threw on some sweats and headed to America's apartment next door. There was a pink shoe in the hallway. Really?! I knock on the door and she answers with "WTF happened last night?" I half laugh/half dry heave...clearly I'm still drunk.
Me: "We came home in the taxi..."
America: "Oh no we didn't..."
A voice comes out from her bedroom and says "Hey Forewarning..."
Me: "Who the hell is that? And why does he know my name?"
America: "Oh trust me it gets better." Then I notice an open bottle of chocolate milk (WTF???) and a bottle of Jose Cuervo Margarita drink (Oh shit!) that I know was in my fridge when we left.
Me: "Did we drink that when we came back?"
America: "I guess!!! I remember saying I was sick and then you thought chocolate milk would settle my stomach."
Me: "You listened to me!!! I was clearly drunk! Where is my purse? Shoes? Phone?"
America: "On my couch. We made 3 stops in the taxi last night...do you remember? You got out one of the times but I don't know where you went?"
Me: "What?! No I don't remember! Let's check the camera to see if we took any pics." There were above 9 blurry pictures, but we couldn't tell what they were of.
Needless to say, we still have a lot of questions unanswered....Where I went when I got out the taxi, why my hair was wet, the chocolate milk, the blurry photos, the random guy in America's bed, the pool of water in my apartment, my shoe in the hallway...but because of it the night was completely awesome! I seriously felt like we were reliving our own version of The Hangover (minus the stripper, the baby and the tiger), but since I don't remember....who knows what actually happened....
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