Friday, July 16, 2010

Taste buds....

I have weird taste buds. I love things that are salty and sweet and needs to have a soft and crispy feel to it. Here is a list of my favorite combos of food....

Spaghetti Sandwich
Take the warm garlic bread you'd normal have on the side, slice a piece, pile on the spaghetti, top with Parmesan cheese, top with another piece of garlic bread and enjoy.

Shrimp and Grits
Google Bobby Flays recipe. I know it sounds weird but it's amazing!!!!

Ice Cream and French Fries
Nuff said.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Waffle Sandwich
Take 2 regular Eggo Waffles, toast them and spread on Peanut Better and Jelly.

Chocolate Chip cookies MINUS the chocolate chips's not just a sugar cookie it's a piece of heaven. Just follow a regular recipe just leave out the chocolate chips. Eat warm with ice cream to really set it off.

Chocolate pudding, Oreos and Gummy Worms
Yummy to my tummy

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