This is the girl he's dreamed about boning for a long time...either a first love or the girl of his dreams. You may not be the actual girl, but that's who he sees when you guys are together. Dating him will be hard, since he has high expectations of you. The relationship won't last cause he'll either fall in love too quickly, which will scare you or he'll get mad cause you didn't fulfill his high expectations.
The Breezy
You are each other's breath of fresh air. Whether you both are in separate relationships or not, you are the one he calls when he needs to escape reality and vice versa. The sex is great but the friendship is better. This set up may lead you to think a relationship is possible but it's not, even after trying once and it failing. Since you much rather keep thing's the same, you settle for secret dinner dates, hidden sexcapades and stolen kisses. Your past, present and future relationships will never know about him in fear of something actually happening. You may always be the second woman in his life...
The Fuck FriendThis is a simple explanation. He calls you up to come to "hang" in the p.m. and will expect sex at the end of the night. You guys usually won't go out and the only time you'll meet his friends is if they are over his house. He'll pretend to enjoy the conversation, which will make it seem like a relationship could possibly happen. It won't. He only wants sex.
The GirlfriendThese are chicks who found a man who's willing to put claim on them. There's two types of girlfriends though, the "happy" ones and the not happy ones. Single girls wanna be them and they're terrified of single girls. The only thing going for a girlfriend, in my opinion, is thinking you have a man locked down for Valentine's Day (key word being "thinking").
The Best FriendYou're one of the guys. He farts, burps and takes shits around you...you may do the same around him (which is hella foul). You're easy to talk to, get him through his relationships and secretly hope he loves you but he won't see you as girlfriend material. No...you are not the exception.
The Booty CallHey hoe. Just kidding....hoe's need love too. You'll never, EVER see daylight with this man, not even in the a.m. He calls you at midnight when he rolls over and his dick's hard. He may not even want to have sex with you but he is expecting head and for you to bounce after. Your role is to pleasure him. Period. He doesn't bring you around anyone (unless his friends are there hoping to get some dome from you too) and since you can't make a hoe a house wife, expect your time with him to expire after 2 months. Getting head from the same hoe wears thin after a while.
The Wife Can you here the angels singing? The wife...the fucking Bently of relationships. You got a ring and an awesome party but did you get a marriage? Yeah...we shall see...
The Mistress So you're a mistress huh? You (in my opinion) should be at the bottom of the woman food chain. You will suck, lick and stick his manhood to get to the top. I'd respect you more if you fucked for the love of sex, but a mistress is only out for one thing, to get what the wife has. The house, the car and the vacation house in the Hamptons. I should have no advice for you but no bitch..he isn't leaving his wife. Oh by the way...since you're on it a lot...how's your back feel?
The Time Filler
Alright...let's get straight to the point. The man calls you when he needs someone to pick up an emergency load at the dry cleaners, fresh baked cookies and an ego boost. You have the self confidence of a malard duck and he works that in his favor. He would never fuck (or fuck again) in a million years but says sex with you would be deeper then just sex and he's not ready for it. He may kiss you but that happens ever so often. My advice? Find your own Time Filler.
The One Night Stand

If you guys even remember sleeping together don't forget you fucked under the influence. Period. He probably has the same amount of guilt he does when he drinks and drives. He did it...he shouldn't have...he'll try and make a better decision next time.
Hope this was helpful! Men these rules work for you too, except the time filler may be a really sweet guy she invites to weddings cause her first six picks (I originally typed counseled....wow...I know) canceled out. Did she take any pics with you? Yeah...I didn't think so....
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