First let me say, the term "making love" is the gayest term EVER and it's unforgivably (which is a real word...I checked) gay if it comes from a man's mouth. I don't know about the rest of you but I BONE or I BONE slowly. Period.
Anyway I have a pretty awesome habit of having sex in public places...moving truck, movie theatre, nightclub booth, fitness room, storage room, playground, in an alley, college football stadium, steam room, even sex with people sleeping in the same room (being quiet is the key, which makes it even hotter cause you're concentrating on your breathing which makes your orgasms stronger....scientific fact) as well as the ordinary places outside the bedroom (hot tub, pool, backseat of car, kitchen counter, shower, beach, private balcony, public bathroom...etc.). Were these all sanitary locations? Nope. Did they turn me on? Yes. Did I get even more wet seeing how hard it made the guy? Yes.
How is that all not worth it? Seriously?
My favorite location though, was with my college boyfriend (we'll call him Itta Bit, which is really fucked up but he was the shortest man I've ever dated so.....it's deserving). I was visiting him in McAllen, Texas, during Spring Break, where he was playing on an arena football team.
We were shopping at the mall and stopped in Macy's. He had had his hands on me the whole day, running his thumb across my nipples in the shoe department and once managed to slide two fingers in me while at lunch (I love being undercover with sex...I think that's where the thrill comes in. Being in a large crowd with only me and the man knowing what's going down...Ah.Maz.Ing) Him and I both had clothes to try on so we headed to the men's fitting room.
At first I had my back toward him, once he snuck me in, cause I was hanging my things up. When I turned toward him though, he grabbed my hand and patted his lap. All I could do was smile as I lifted my dress (the choice outfit when it comes to public sex. I usually go sans panties if I'm expecting sex within the first 30 mins) and climbed on to straddle him. He moved my panties to the side and lowered me on to him. He kept one hand on my hip to keep the pace and the other was palming my breast while his mouth kissed my neck...I was in senses overload. I kept my hands on the wall in front of me for leverage since I was focusing on controlling my moans ( I love that feeling).
Now keep in mind, there were men trying on clothes in the stalls around us and had their wives yelling at them from the lobby. They would have died if they know this man's girl was muffling her scream for a whole nother reason.
I thought the sex was amazing back then but that was before I had other, more orgasmic experiences. We were together for 2 years and were really able to knock out a lot of locations by the time we broke up so all wasn't lost.
My thought to men is, if you want me, take me, and if your girl isn't up for that then that really sucks for you cause sex in public places is nothing like sex in the bed. It awakens different parts of you and your senses....check it out if you can.
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