Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I triple dog dare you.....

#1. I love Glee and can't wait for the new season tonight!

#2. Forward through the whole episode, (since I couldn't find a clip) and stop at the 30.18 mark (you'll have to watch a minute of it to get the full effect) and I triple dog dare you that you CAN'T keep your face or mind from reacting around the 31.30 mark.

I'm not making fun or judging...I'm just saying.......

I was catching up on the season to get prepared for the new episode tonight and that scene caught me off guard. If I'm the ONLY person on Earth that found my dare hard to do then I accept being a REALLY bad person and I'll pray extra hard for the Lord to help me...

(update) the more I think about it, the more I start to feel offended. Fox put me in a very uncomfortable situation when they aired this episode. Maybe they should have to a warning in the bottom left hand corner. Since they didn't and I laughed, I feel like they forced me to be a bad person! I think I'm gonna write a letter of discernment to Fox...one person does have the power to change the world you know.

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