I'm pretty sure this is what I look like when I get up in the morning (lol...I"M SERIOUS) and it sucks not being naturally pretty anymore! When I was 22 (3 years ago) I could wake up. take a shower, do my hair and throw on some lip gloss. I still do that but now I have to take an extra 15 to put my "natural" face on. Bronzer, rouge and mascara....
The dark circles and puffy eyes are killing my ass too! I look like the skeleton off Tales from the Crypt! That doesn't even include the fact that my skin is just now clearing up after it shitted on my life and decided to break out something serious. (I looked like a white, 15 year old hall monitor...if that doesn't paint the right picture, that's alright, I just wanted to type out hall monitor)It was probably the worst break out I've ever had.
Anyway I just wanted to put it out there....men...do not judge a woman for looking jacked in the morning, it sucks and we know it!
Oh and yes I used a picture of Harriet Tubman as my example above! (excuse me while I laugh) when I entered old black woman in Google her ass kept popping up so out of pure laziness I went with it.
Shame on me? Shame on you! You didn't even know who that slave looking woman was til I told you...and after all she's done for us. You should be ashamed for yourself...
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