Okay.....(deep breath and shake off the willies...brrrrr)....I have this friend from high school in town training cause he's a professional soccer player. He's tall...African....and not at ALL attractive to me. I mean we grew up together and because he used to terrorize me in high school I see him as an older brother. He's really straight laced so I call him when I need a proper guy's advice on love and life.
Now...he had a crush on me in high school but I figured...we're older...he has a lot more female options since he's a pro athlete, not to mention I hooked up with his friend (The Marine) years ago. Needless to say...I thought he had moved on.
Nope. Dead. Effing. Wrong.
I've preached about chick's not think they were the exception when it came to men out of their league loving them but I should have took my own advice and realized whenever a guy has had the urge to bone you once...that feeling never goes away...ever!
Hint #1. (ooo wait he needs a nickname!!!! Let's call him Pele) Pele lived with me for about 2 months back in Nov and Dec while he was training. Everything was all good until one day he decided he was gonna come in my room and randomly get in bed with me. I immediately jumped to fuck out of my bed and questioned why the hell he would do that...half jokingly...half dead serious. Obviously I over looked it.
Hint #2. During Memorial Day weekend a couple of weeks ago he asked me to come hang with his good looking soccer friends while we watched one of his Maybe-Girlfriends play soccer on The Redstars in Chi. The style of top I had on was loose and was supposed to casually "fall" off my body. He apparently couldn't handle the skin I was showing and started cock blocking all night with random sexually explicit remarks like..."Dang Forewarning I'm tired let's head to your house". UHHHH WTF Pele?! I joking laughed it off and told his friends his ass was really going home with them!
Hint #3. and something I can no longer shake off! We went to another game last night to watch this really chick play, except this time his teammates were out of town. The whole way there I picked his brain about some another guy and the whole time there he would pick out girls he would bone and I would tell him if I thought they were cute.. At the end of the night I dropped him off at his training facility which is this big ass indoor soccer-land building. He took me on a tour which was pretty cool and when we got back to my car is was hella dark.
Now if I was with a man I was really attracted I would have said..Ooo it's chilly...just so I could set up an opportunity for a kiss. Instead I said...Whew I'm tired and start walking briskly to the car. He proceeded to walk up behind me and put his arms around me and pushed his pelvis into my ass!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWW!
We all know what that means!!!!! If you are with really attractive man and he grabs you around the waist, pulls you into him and places his head by your ear...you're supposed to raise your ass up so he came press into it a little bit (I call that a Flick Up). It's like a mutual understanding that yes there's sexual energy....but as a man YOU DON'T DO THAT UNLESS YOU ARE 99.99% SURE you could dick down the chick right then and there. If that's not the situation, the close proximity of your dick makes her feel super super dirty and cheap.
When he did that I wanted to stop at the nearest motel to take a shower. I felt so gross. I Shrieked out loud..said gross Pele and ran to my car. He later texted me and said sorry for getting frisky <----BTW I would never let a man touch me if he ever used to word frisky. I ended up not responding to him. It was definitely a situation of a guy friend gone wrong and I am truly scared from it......tough tough lesson learned.
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