My personal computer died on me a couple of months ago and it was pretty traumatic. It would've been worse but I had saved all my files to a jump drive a couple of weeks before. The only thing I really lost was access to my iTunes, which contained over 6,000 songs (thanks Limewire). Since Geek Squad confirmed they could easily transfer my iTunes over to whichever new computer I bought, I figured I could live off my iPod till then.
Now I know I don't have to explain how much iPods mean to their owners, I mean it's like an extended limb. Well my iPod has DIED and left a giant whole in my heart. I feel like how I imagine I would feel if my 89 yeard old aunt died or if hostess stopped manufacturing Twinkies. It's like I have Phantom Limb.....like it's still alive and with me. I swear I can still hear the faint sound of music in my head.
I'm so crushed I don't even have to want to go buy another one. Why God....why? (insert tear here)
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