I figured it out! Dreads likes the Becky and you know what? That's okay. I'm cool with admitting that there are some men who just won't be attracted to me cause I'm not their type. I can't compete with white women, latinas and mixed females cause we are all on different attractive levels. They can't compete with my ass and I can't compete with their...I don't know...long torsos. Just like a gamer can't compete with an athletic man with me. It just ain't gonna happen. Although I'm starting to grow out of judging a man on his follow through. Someone who was on the debate team in high school isn't so bad.
Plus, I don't want to be with someone who doesn't really appreciate my body cause it's definitely different then a white chicks body. Anyway thought I'd let y'all know. The Dreads chapter has been written.
Oh and for the record (lol...which totally sounds like I'm being a hater) but my crush was fading fast cause he has a DECKED out '97, two door, silver, Honda Civic, complete with black rims and wears sunglasses at night so seriously? How was that really gonna last?
He can still dress his ass off in corporate attire and that accent is still pretty attractive...just sayin.
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