Monday, November 1, 2010

Addy's Resume...

So I mentioned before that I went out on a date with a man named Addy (that's not his real name, it's his nickname.) The date took place last Saturday and for the last week I've had different thoughts regarding him.

Let's first take a look at his resume (the facts about a person before you consider their personality) so you can better get an idea of who he is...

-He's a self made entrepreneur, he buys real estate on the south side of Chicago, renovates them and rents them as section 8 housing. He likes that section 8 vouchers are reliable income. He's also in the beginning stages of opening up a lounge.

-He owns a huge brownstone on a beautiful street (MLK Drive) in Bronzeville. I guess the house has been in the family for generations.

-He's 37. He knows who he is, what he wants and isn't interested in playing games.

-He's a Cancer, so he is very sincere, generous and loyal.

-He adores my tattoos and body type, although he asked me if I had butt implants (I told him the only thing fake on my body is my natural glow, thanks bronzer!)

-He played basketball in college (he graduated with a degree in marketing, but you know that really doesn't concern me) as well as overseas so he's very fit and healthy.

-He's tattoos cover his arms, back, and chest (did I mention the old English C on his neck...yum) and they are well designed and executed. He has the Chicago skyline on his forearm.

-He's well spoken but still street smart, he grew up on the south side and from what I know, he is very much respected.

So.......whats the problem with him?

-He started calling me Babe within the first 15 mins of us meeting and rubbed my ass within the first hour (no bueno)

-He has a little bit of a lisp (it could get annoying after the first 6 months...say assessments with a lisp...annoying right?!)

-He is a little older so there's a generation gap (he doesn't like shouldn't be an issue but i don't have time to talk on the phone ALL the time!)

-He's a little overwhelming because he speaks his thoughts (like my little brother and mom) so I find my self guiding his thoughts rather then my own. I think he may have ADD hence the nickname Addy.

-He's a functional pothead (he rolled a fatty within the first couple of hours of our date)

The BIGGEST problem though? There's no spark. I mean there's nothing in me that wants to tongue him down and fuck him. Besides the fact that his physical appearance is a God send, it takes more for me to be interested. The only time he's made me laugh was when we first met and he asked if I was a rapper. The conversations have been mediocre and our physical interactions haven't been hot and lingering. They happen when his ADD thoughts stumble on the subject and remind him to cop a feel before moving on to the next thought. Not spontaneous, just random and awkward.

He's resume, according to what I'd like my future love interest to have all match up, but can you seriously turn it into chemistry? Sigh. I don't think I want to wait around to find out. He may just be the great guy friend I hang around and am not attracted too. Although I think he's looking for love...does that make him a time filler then?

Ugh I don't know...too much to process. I'll keep you posted.

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