Sunday, October 31, 2010

What are you for Halloween?...I'm sexy...


Oh Hallow's Eve...what can I say? I didn't dress up this year. Why? Lol. I don't know really. Just wasn't feeling it. The last time I dressed up it was 2007. I went as an Adidas, 80's girl (my mom bought my infamous gold name plate for the occasion). The year after I spent trick or treating with my little sisters and in 2009 I was en route moving my furniture from my condo in Denver to my new apartment in the Chi.

My 26th year feels weird though and I'm still trying to work my way into it. I feel like I need to play the part, being an actual adult instead of being me (care free not immature, tho there is a fine line) and I didn't feel like running around with a "my dad didn't love me enough so I'm showing all my girl parts" costume. I love sex way to much to actually dress slutty, it would have been sexual overload.

I wore a long sleeve, short black dress, with bondage pale pink heels and a statement necklace. My friends and I went to Addy's for a house party then end to a lounge overlooking the river. When people/men would ask what I was I simply Corny? Yes. But I got a couple of laughs.

Lots of people dig Halloween but it's not that exciting for me. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Why? The food...duh...

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