Monday, November 29, 2010

You really like me....?!

Oh my goodness you guys!!!!!! I just recently took a look on the blog's stats (which I haven't done since March 2010) and I didn't know so many people were reading my blog!!!!!

I feel like Sally Field when she won her Oscar! "You like me, you like me! You REALLY like me!"

When I first started this blog I thought I would have followers up to Wazoo within my first couple of weeks. When that didn't happen (because my expectations were to high) I got discouraged. Thankful I came around and realized this blog was mostly for moi. I needed to see my thoughts written down. I needed to have a place were even if they weren't being read, I could pretend my thoughts were being heard.

It's so crazy to see now that people (YOU GUYS) are visiting my site and reading all about me. Lol. Who knew! November alone had 205 hits (which may be minimal for some but) that's 205 times someone clicked to check up on me. "Addy's Resume" was actually the most popular of the posts in November. I'm even getting more followers on Twitter daily.

Anyway I just wanted to thank you for means a lot!!! Oh and I promise to start posting on a regular basis from here on out.



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