Saturday, January 1, 2011

Time to start kissing frogs....

Hello all! Happy 1-1-11!

Just wanted to weigh in on how I'm feeling about my year of men finally coming to an end. I'm super duper excited, optimistic and giddy about the dating process but I find that I'm also pretty nervous. Anxious is probably a better descriptive word when I realized I can no longer hide behind my "No Men" policy. When an attractive man asks to exchange information, I'm going to have to learn how to be open and available to him.

2010 got me in a better place emotionally, no scarring, no daddy issues but now 2011 is going to have to teach me to make myself open to love and the journey it'll require.

I am excited to share my dating stories and heart fluttering moments with you guys though! 

The picture above totally captures who I am right now. I feel like a hopeful princess who is wishing upon a star not knowing the frog she is going to meet may just become her Prince. Lol....UBER CORNY I know, but that's how I feel...crazy ain't it!!!!

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