Thursday, October 28, 2010

Addy...Part 1

So I went out on a date. Lol.  I know. I know. The year is not done. I didn't analyze this one though guys I just went with it...let me explain.

Where I live in Chicago is where the upper middle class of black people live in the city. Professional blacks, corporate, athletes and political. On any good day the gas station I go to will have pretty women in Range Rovers, toothless men in Hoopties and business men standing next to the newest Lexus.

On Saturday, when I pulled up (I drive a 2006 black Saturn Vue. Nothing to get excited about but I'm not rolling in a 92 Honda) I saw this very attractive black man. Tall (6' 2"), chocolate, fresh fade, simple black v-neck tee and black Nike sweats. (I've never been a woman who talked to a man because of his car...ever! It makes me feel dirty but....) He was also standing next to a clean, black Range Rover. For a woman who's favorite color is black, I was on stimulation overdrive.

I went inside to grab an Arizona Mandarin Orange Green Tea and to pay for my gas and while doing that a friend called. As I walked back out to the pump I noticed the tall drink of water was gone. Sigh. But life went on. I was pumping my gas when I heard a "Psk....." coming from my right. I turned and saw him in his car, ushering me over with his hand. I looked at him with a puzzling glare but he kept waving me over. I told my friend I had to go and approached his car. The convo went a little something like this....

Me: Yes...??? (spots a tattoo on his neck and straight white teeth...Sweet Lord)
Him: You aren't supposed to talk on the phone while you're pumping gas. It's really dangerous.
Me: (smile) You are very right actually. Thank you. (are both of his arms tatted? Oh no.)
Him: Now you owe me dinner.......since I saved your life.
Me: (smile again) Again you are right. I sure do. (his eyes are brown like mine)
Him: (smile) what's your name?
        (eyes my gold nameplate) Forewarning?
        Are you a rapper? (nods to my nameplate) I don't date rappers.
Me: (laugh and smile) No....I'm not a rapper.
Him: You aren't from here are you?
Me: No I'm from Denver........

We chatted for a couple of mins longer, he took down my number and ended up calling later that night...

He was funny and sincere, no gimmicks, no cornball comments. He received checks on his physical demeanor, clean, cut and fresh (not over board with diamonds, studs and chrome) and his voice was deep and engaging. Our exchange was could I walk away from that....I mean really?

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