Monday, December 13, 2010

As I slept...

So I had this dream last night and it took my breath away. I ended up rubbing my thighs together while I slept....

Sex for me or rather the attraction to a man is only as good as the build up (I've never been a person who just jumps in a pool, I let the water touch my body inch by inch). I understand it can't be that way every time, but for me to appreciate the presence of a man, it can't be.....boy meets girl, phone numbers exchange, dinner date, kiss, bedroom, sex. If my life ends up like that I'll certainly die from boredom.

Here goes....

It's Saturday morning. Say 11. I'm at coffee shop. Mom and pop owned. It smells like coffee and cream and has a great vintage theme. Plush armchairs, baskets full of magazines, and a selection of cupcakes that include red velvet cake and cream cheese frosting.

I'm sitting by the window, where I can people watch. Reading a magazine while I sip a white chocolate mocha from a wide mouthed mug. It's just starting to be Spring out. The kind of weather you hope is warm enough so you can start wearing a day dress and heels. Today though I have my hair in a high messy bun, running leggings, flip flops and a grey sweatshirt that is falling off my shoulder. My gold watch, thick vintage bracelet and my gold Libra medallion and chain complete the look.

Now this place has one of those nostalgic bells that hang over the door and every time someone comes in or out it rings. On your first visit it's pretty annoying but then after you barely notice it. As I'm sitting there, I uncommonly hear the bell ring and it takes me out of my concentration. I look up and see this figure walk in.

Tall, grey Nike sweats and a simple white tee. Clean fade, with a 12 o'clock shadow on his face and white earphones in his ears. Hmmm interesting...I think as I raise my eyebrow. I don't stare but my attention has definitely been caught. Since I'm in the corner he can't really see me eyeing him. He orders a coffee with cream and pays with a credit card. He turns with his back toward me and I notice his whole left arm is covered with tattoos, Samoan or Hawaiian maybe, while the right one remains bare. Delish.

As he heads for the door to leave, I can't help but notice the way his clothes hang off his body. Broad shoulders, tapered waist, muscular legs. Right before he walks out and I give a wishful sigh, he looks my way. Eye contact. Stomach drops. No breath. He nods with a smile and then...gone.

Over the next few weeks, I think about him every time I'm in the shop but see him. I girlishly think about the conversations we would have and the ways he'd make me laugh. Weeks go by and I start to lose hope. As soon as I do though, he appears. He orders, he nods, he leaves. But I start to see him often after that and sometimes the roles are reversed. He's the one sitting and I'm the one leaving. We always do the same thing though. Smile...nod....leave.

The last time we saw each other we were both in line. He was a few people behind me. After I ordered my usual and stepped to the side I accidental bumped in to him. His hand found my waist as he steadied me. Sweet Lord. I apologized and he said it was alright with a grin.

Today, it's evening. A great summer night. I have on a white day dress, with my hair down, and high caramel colored wedges on my feet. My skin is a little dewy from the heat but I smell like the new perfume I had bought hours before. I get a shaken lemonade and as I turn to get a napkin a hand accidentally touches mine. I notice strong fingers before I look up and realize it's him.

I'm at a lose for words. He says "Go ahead." with a gesture. As I grab my napkins, he asks my name and tells me his in return. We shake hands. I hear him but I not listening. He's too close and smells like laundry. Not cologne. Laundry. I shake my head and noticed he must have asked me a question. "I'm sorry what?" I say.

"Perfect weather huh?".

"Oh yes, yes it is."

I walk around him and we part with him eyeing my forearm and complimenting, "Nice tattoos.". After a quick thought I decide to stay and take my normal seat. For the first time, I see he does the same except across the room.

I mess with my phone, sip my drink and try my hardest not to look up or at him. Is he looking at me? Don't look at him! Damn, I need another napkin. Don't walk over there! Is your hand seriously shaking? Get a hold of yourself woman! Gathering my things, I go to the restroom to collect myself. What's the big effing deal?! I look at my reflection in the single bathroom mirror, fluff my hair, reapply my lip gloss, conclude all this is crazy and settle on leaving.

As I walk out of the bathroom I run in to a wall. A black cotton wall with a pulse. I look up and ask softly, "What are you doing here?".

He starts to apologize. "I know, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm here, I just...I just wanted to check and make sure you were okay.". I manage a smile before his hand touches my face and his lips meet mine. I didn't know it before but I had been aching for this moment. His lips were soft as my breath got lost. Seconds after he pulls back, shaking his head and was about to say something before I bring him back to me.

That's it. That's all. The hunger I had broke into a thousand pieces. My hands went around his neck and with his mouth on mine I press my body into him. The fact that he's a stranger becomes a distant memory as my sexual instincts take over. He presses me up against the now closed bathroom door and his hands grab my waist. The pressure of his hips on mine are too much to handle. The need. The want. I break our kiss and gasp for air. He takes the opportunity and moves my hair from my neck. He bends and kisses the spot below my ear and his tongue soon follows. I feel his breath in my ear saying he's had dreams of doing this to me. His left hand moves from my waist to my ribcage as his right arm braces his weight against the door.

A decision is made in my head. I want him but I'll only follow his lead. He lifts his head and looks me in my eyes. For the first time since we awkwardly met, we take each other in. His middle finger scoots my hair out my eyes and he ends up saying...."You're just so pretty." I stand on my tip toes and give his mouth a sincere peck. His right hand turns the bathroom knob and as the door opens behind me, we stumble into the bathroom.

Darkness. Except for the red glow from the exit sign above the door. He backs me up until my body hits the porcelain sink. He lifts me up, sits me on the cold counter and looks in my eyes as if asking permission. All I do is smile. He goes to lock the door and I miss him. My arms extend as he makes his way back to me. He nestles his legs between my knees and backs me up against the mirror.

I bite my lower lip as his hands get acquainted with my body. He touches my neck, my shoulders, my sides, my back, my waist and I hold my breath as he makes his way from my arms to my knees. His right hand comes behind my neck to bring my lips close to his. As I draw his bottom lip in my mouth and give it a playful nip, his left hand circles my knee. I feel him smile as I bring my arms to rest on his shoulders. His right arm moves my body closer to him and I lean my head back and sigh as his finger tips softly graze my inner thigh. I know I'm already wet and eager and can't wait for him to feel how much he's turning me on.

His fingers continue traveling north and softly make contact with my panties. I'm anxious as they follow the edge of white cotton and lace, back and forth, before actually stopping where I want him too. He says, "Wow, you do want me."

I hear myself whispering in his ear telling him I don't want him anymore, I need him. Stepping back for a moment, he pulls his shirt off and finally I'm able to touch his skin. The tattoo that starts at his left wrist, winds itself all the way up his arm and flows on to his very wide chest and back. As I touch his upper body, his index finger sneaks inside my delicate fabric and touches me. At that moment I tell him enough is enough and that I need to feel him. He smiles.

He pinches my panties on either side and tells me to left as he slides them down and off my legs, sticking them in his back pocket. I unbuckle his jeans and am able to feel the size of him. Strong. Hard. He takes controls as he moves my hands to finish the job. I rub my thighs together in excitement and ready myself for what is about to happen. He steps to me, finds my mouth with his and I moan with pleasure as he pushes deep into me....

I wake up. Out of my sleep. Out of my dream. Back to reality. My first thought is to start crying cause it was feeling so damn good. I find comfort in knowing though, that this is what I have to look forward too. Maybe not that exact situation but the experience that the man I choose to give my body to will make me feel as good as he did.

A couple weeks left before I can start scouting and I'm so excited. Happy dreams everyone....

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