Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I love dick Unk......

When I was home for Thanksgiving I stayed with my dad instead of my mom. My uncle and his family usually stay there as well so for the first time, him and I were in tight quarters with each other and he started to let on about something that really pissed me off. I mean I'm pretty upset now just thinking about it.

I think my unlce thinks I'm gay and that I'm in the closet.

First things first.....I'm not gay. I've never been with a woman and unless it was a threesome with a man to turn him on, I wouldn't care to sleep with one. I'm not saying anything against lesbians, I'm just saying I'm not one of them.

Yes I have tattoos, yes I cuss, yes I took a year off from dating (MEN), but I LOVE DICK!!!!! I mean they've only met one boyfriend but I don't bring men around my family unless it's a serious relationship. Plus I was pregnant for heaven's sake so what the fuck?!

My uncle is a military lifer, traditional. He had been for like 40 years and I don't know if it's because I'm not a submissive, 40's wife that has lead him to these conclusions. Or because today's society assumes that strong willed women are gay but it actually makes me feel uncomfortable. Insecure about who I am when I'm around that side of the family. If they actually got past my exterior they would know I'm very girlie and very traditional myself.

At this point I can't wait to fall in love, be awife and have kids.

Anyway...the only thing I want to say to him whenever he says another sarcastic ass comment is...."I love dick Unk so back the fuck off."

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