Friday, March 12, 2010

Caught in booty shorts...fuck. (update)

So I had to go to semi-formal event for work last night so I looked really cute! Make-up was flawless, dress and heels were bangin and hair was long and flowin, I mean I even had white men breaking their neck for a peek.

Anyway, I was just coming out my door when Dreads was coming out of his to take his dog on a walk. (My stomach is starting to flip flop when I see him. NOT because I like him but because I’m still quite embarrassed) His apartment is really close to the elevators so I was hoping he’d be on one by the time I got there. I heard the elevator say “Going down.” and I thought I was in the clear.

Nope! It was actually really cute because his gorgeous white dog popped his big head around the corner to look at me like “hurry up woman....we're waiting!” When I approached the elevator the siren was going off because Dreads was blocking the door with his (fine ass) body…

Apparently he was holding it for me. (My heart did a little “ahhh...!” but I shut that shit down quick.) I said a quiet “Thanks.” and we rode the elevator together in silence like we usually do.

His nickname is now Semi Douche-Bag Magee because it was kind of sweet that he was holding it for me…it took me like 2 minutes to get there.

Whatever though.

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