Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's 1995 Bitches!!!!!!!

This post is a shout out to my childhood and the things that were dear to my heart when I was in 5th grade. I pretty much made fun of other kids that didn't have these things....I was a 9 year old bitch...what can I say! (I won't say BITCHES!!! after every item but I really want to...I'm just so excited.)

Starter Jackets

These were so popular back in the day I remember my school wanting to ban them because kids kept getting beat up for theirs. I stole my first Starter jacket (NBA Memphis Grizzlies) but claimed I found it. The teacher called my mom and I ended up having to give it back. I look back now and feel guilty cause my mom felt bad that I had to steal one to feel better about myself (that's the effing lie I told her so I wouldn't get in trouble) that she went and bought me a Chicago Bulls Starter! Having a Chicago Bulls Starter jacket in the 90's was like owning the freshest pair of Jordan's today. I went to school pointing at kids and then pointing at my jacket like "Fuck you!" "Fuck you!" "Fuck you!".'s terrible but completely true.

Mighty Morphing Power Rangers

I remember being pissed as shit riding home on the school bus because we had this handicapped kid that would ride our bus and when his chair lift got stuck some days it would cause me and my little brother to be late for Power Rangers that came on at 3:30 (that was a run on sentence but I don't care) Anyway, I really wanted to be the pink one because she was a gymnast but my brother would always say I was more like the yellow one cause I was a tomboy (I only really wanted to be the pink one cause the red and green rangers would fight over her but how do you explain that to 6 year old boy).

Five Star Trapper Keeper

Everyone at my school could tell if you were poor or not depending on if you had a Trapper Keeper. Period. (it was like a social class indicator for grade school) It cost $15 at Wal-Mart and I remember my mom having to put our school supplies on lay away in May so she could have them paid off by August, just in time for school. I didn't care though cause at the end of the day I had one.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Immature

If I knew what sex was at 9 I would have been out of control because these young men had my heart for real! JTT (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) was the HOT, white, sarcastic son on Home Improvement and Immature was a hip hop b0y band that were always featured in Teen Bop and Tiger Beat magazines. My best friend and I would plead, beg and cry for our parents to buy us these magazines because they had posters of these guys in them. Her and I would spend HOURS arranging and rearranging the posters on our bedroom walls.

Sega Genesis

Sonic the Hedge Hog was and still is the greatest game ever made. I'm not into all the new game systems that are out because my heart belongs to Sega. They also had this Simpson's game called Virtual Bart that was AWESOME....I found a website where you can download it for free...I've been playing it for like an hour.

and last but not least it's....

POGS.....BITCHES!!!! (sorry)

Pogs were the most memorable thing from my childhood. I just called my brother to reminisce and we were on the phone for 40 mins, between the two of us we had 8 green tubes. No body really played the game cause you were too busy going through your friend's collection asking "You got this one foo? Aww you suck cause I do!" "I'll trade you 4 of these for that one!" But the mack daddy POG was the metal 8 ball couldn't tell me shit cause I had like 3 of them. Pogs ended up fizzling out cause they got banned from schools across the US and overseas. You were definitely a loser if you didn't have a Pog collection.

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