Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm a piece of shit worker and here's why....

I lease apartments in a high raise building downtown. My job for the most part is simple. I'm supposed to follow up with client leads, mass e-mail details about the apartments and take people on a tour of the building when they get here. In addition, I'm responsible for the daily tasks needed to make the building run smoothly, work orders, resident complaints and so on. For the most part, I feel like a caged bird, except the times I get to work on what I really have a passion for. Event production via community out reach and marketing opportunities (Double fist pump) dream job! Plus, I get paid to gain experience and contacts so in the near future I can start doing my own events on the side...score!

As of right now though, my next 2 events are pretty such planned and I'm awaiting clearance for the next one, an Art in the Park festival that will take place in June, from corporate and they always take forever to respond. I'm like the kid in class that picks his nose and flicks it at the other kids because he gets his work done fast and has time left over to cause trouble. Basically, I'm not challenged enough (which technically is not my fault!)

I spend most of my day reading blogs, posting on my blog and looking at meaningless things on the Internet, then when I get off, I go upstairs to my apartment (yes I live in the same building I work from but I'll go into more details about that later), change into my Victoria Secret sweats and go back down to the office to do the 30 mins of work I acquired over the course of my 8 hour work day.

But what I discovered is I'm just a better employee when I wear sweats! Seriously! If I could wear sweats I would be fucking Bojangles towards our residents and clients. The best fucking employee ever! Do you know I'm 4 mins late EVERY single day (I know, I can't believe I still have this job either). I have to be to work at 9, so I wake up at 8:30 (yes 8:30), take a shower, curl my hair, and put on my make-up all with in 15 mins. The last 15 mins are spent staring at my closet trying to figure out with outfit would piss me off the least if I put it on. Now don't get me wrong, I give lots of thanks to my salary that allows me to buy fierce work clothes, but at the end of the day I'm just more comfortable in sweats.

It's not like I wear sweats from Wal-mart! My sweats cost at least $60 for the tops alone so I really don't think I'd be offending anyone if I wore them. Plus, the residents come down to talk to me in their sweats and I highly doubt they could give two shits what kind of outfit I had on when they were cussing me out.

Google allows their employees to wear sweats! I swear! They even let them bring their dogs to work and has this room in the building that has hoola hoops, slushy machines and bean bags because they found it created a more productive work environment! What the fuck! I mean I understand professionalism but that really is a state of mind and I'm shocked that this hasn't caught on yet.

Whatevs, we "apparently" only have 21 months until 2012 when the whole world is supposed to go down anyway so I guess I can ride out the hatred of business casual clothes til then.

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