Sunday, March 7, 2010

Whud Up Yo.....

I'm 25, a female, a Libra and I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut all the freaking time. I cuss, I'm not a hoe but I LOVE good sex, I have 12 ladylike tattoos and this is where I'm going to unleash all my thoughts, life questions and be completely me. Forewarning #1 means I'm warning you up front...I DON'T CARE if what I say offends you. If you don't like it...tuff, if I misspell a might be on purpose so don't leave a snarky comment thinking you're being witty, your thoughts don't concern me unless they are agreeing with me. I use run on sentences, I like gossip magazines and I masturbate every other day. That's right! I'm sexually disciplined but I'm not a prude. My life is basically plateauing at this age anyway, losing weight has now become a science class i'm failing, my job is a basic 9-5 and it was more fun dating when I was 21. Anyway, without giving up everything in the first's nice to meet you....this should be a fun ride....oh and did I mention I'm a Christian?

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