Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Let's talk about one of my favorite topics...tattoos.

Hopefully I'm not beating a dead horse but I have a SERIOUS love affair with tattoos. I think there's something sexy about the commitment it takes to get one. I'm not talking about dripping wet cherries...(???? Really?)....and Thug Life on a white boy...I'm talking about something that means so much, you can't help but tattoo it. Some people don't understand the concept of tattoos, which makes them that more meaningful to us that do.

Tattoos last longer then love. Tattoos last longer then life. Do you understand how powerful that statement is? They cover up wounds left by other people and can carry a memory of someone that is no longer part of this world.

All of my tattoos represent past scenarios that make me me. Nothing else on earth can tell you my whole life story better then my tattoos. My perfect man (who I pray is a black tattoo artist)...will have his life story on his skin as well. His battle wounds and emotional scaring will be put on display for others to read...if they take the time.

There's also something sensual about meeting a man who shares the same love affair with tattoos. The Joke-ster loved my tattoos. One of our most sexual escapades started with him playing hide and go seek along my body....(ladies if you can find someone who makes up impromptu games like this, keep him. That kind of imagination is priceless.) He told me to tell him how many tattoos I had and his job was to undress me and lick each one he found. If he found them all, he got a reward (I have 2 tattoos in my southern regions so things got interesting). Let's just say he found them all and was very pleased with his earnings...very, very pleased.

The picture above is my latest tattoo, probably my last one too. I'm running out of room and I need to be able to have control over how many tattoos I show people. (I love when people realize I have tattoos and say "Oh, I never would have guessed." I like that they'll NEVER be able to put me in a certain category (good girl, sex pot, etc...). As soon as they put me in one, they'll have to take me right back out cause I just won't fit.)

Anyway, blackbird is a tribute to Chicago...my neverland....and if you don't understand why I chose blackbird, go watch Public Enemies....it'll make sense after.

By the way....The feminine tattoo photo shoot was amazing and I can't wait to post pictures!!!! I can't believe one of my dreams is now tangible...something I can hold in my hands. I'm very, very proud of myself.

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