Monday, May 24, 2010

Scouts honor....

One of my maintenance guys came down to the office today all flustered because he went to do a service request in this woman's apartment and the first thing he noticed was a dildo on the bed. Women. If you have a dildo keep it hidden! It's not bad or anything, it's just not a good look.

What's that? Do I have a dildo? honey. I don't have a dildo.


Here's my problem with dildos.

Reason #1. Dildos were made as substitutions in the absence of a dick. I don't need replacement dick. If I wanted a real one, I'd go get one. It may be difficult to believe but I go months without sex. Last time I had sex was April 2010, before that it was Nov. 2009, before that it was Aug. 2009 and before that it was Dec. 2008.

I let sex happen naturally (within my moral compass). If it doesn't happen, it doesn't, and if it doesn't, I have my index and middle fingers to help me along the way. Give me 30 seconds, my fingers, my clit and a little wiggle and I'll cum on cue. I don't even finger myself, I'd like to think that I maintain my tightness during my sexual down times, especially with the help of Keggle exercises.

Reason #2. If a real dick is not around, some women find satisfaction out of not having to put in work, to achieve orgasms, on a regular basis. For me, I don't reach orgasm every time I have sex (I last came in April and before that in Aug). Which has taught me to love sex for what it is. If I cum during, it's the sweet, sweet cherry on top. Some women cum often and I would hate for that to happen to me. Like having every Monday be New Year's Eve. After a while the build up becomes mundane and who the hell wants mundane sex with a battery operated machine that looks like a cross between a purple elephant trunk and latex crustacean....gross.

I've put some thought into this though and the only time I'd allow a dildo in my presence is if my man wanted to watch me use it on myself or if he wanted to use it on me (oh and let me state for the record that that would be the ONLY time I'd be naked with two dicks in the same room.) I'm always up for trying new things....with in reason of course. Anal? I don't think so.

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