Monday, May 24, 2010

Cried like a fucking baby...

Okay...if you haven't seen Rudy, as a person you need too. If you have dreams you'll be one step closer to achieving them cause this movie is inspirational as fuck. I won't explain the whole movie in a nutshell cause I couldn't do it justice even if I wanted to.

The reason I'm even blogging about it is the moment at 0:15. Do you see how happy his dad is? If you remember the movie you'll know why this shit is heart breaking...the only reason why Rudy fought so hard to suit up, to finally make it on the field, is because he wanted to make his dad proud. At 0:15 he achieved his goal.

After I wiped my cry baby ass tears after the movie went off I thought...

My mom is SO proud of me...there couldn't possibly be anything I could do that would cause her to jump up and down and cry like Rudy's dad did. I mean she'd be happy if I got married, or landed a big event to plan or even when I had my first born child, but really...a time where she'd jump up and down crying? Nope.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks....She would fall the fuck out if she was ever able to attend my college graduation (I'm about to cry as I'm writing this because I can literally see her hysterically crying as they say my name and I look up and wave at her).

If you know me you know I refuse to graduate college. I attended college for 3 years but I don't want a diploma or the title "College Graduate". There's lots of reasons why but it basically comes down to that fact that I hate being told what to do and being told to do it a certain way in order to succeed. If we needed to get to point A to point B and while driving you told me to turn right. I would turn left twice and would still get us to point B on time just to prove a point. Even if I was planning on turning right in the first place.

That's what I felt like people were doing when it came to college. Go to college, graduate, land a great job, meet another college graduate, have graduate little babies and live happily ever after. Your diploma is the key to life's success! I believe in knowledge and I believe the most successful people are readers (which you do a lot of in college) but if someone is going to base the success of MY life on a piece of paper then I will work 10 times as hard to succeed without it.

So during the years when my peers were in college classes, I spent my time reading the same text books they were reading in class but then took that knowledge and implemented it while gaining work experience in sales, leadership roles and a real world portfolio. I was making $43,000 at 22 years old. Was I able to get jobs that required a degree? Like an art teacher? No. So I changed my goals. I would bet you money that I could rely on my work experience to run my own art focused summer camp or after school program that would touch just as many kids as a teacher AND....I wouldn't have a bosses cause it would be mine.

ANYWAY...I've decided to go back to school to be a college graduate because my mom deserves that pure moment of happiness. I won't say that's all she's ever wanted for me but her children having diplomas is why she worked so hard to provide for us as kids. That was her dream. Last night I realized that I've been so concentrated on living my life, according to me, I've forgot the unconditional love and support she's given me that has helped make me me (she still deposits $50 in my bank account twice a month even though I've been paying my own bills since 18).

Today I enrolled in the University of Mass online programs for a BA in Art Management and a certificate program for Event Management. My first day of class is July 5th. I'm not planning on telling her I'm back in college, I'm just gonna send her my graduation announcement in the mail. I love my Mama and her happiness means more to me the my principles.

Oh and I'm sure there's a reader who's like "Forewarning needs to go back to college to learn to use comma placement. Her blog's just one run on sentence.".

To them I say...I WRITE HOW I WRITE BEE-ITCH!!!! Get the fuck outta here.

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