Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pumped once by Mr. Miyagi...

We have a cleaners on site for the residents in the building where I work/live. The guy that runs the place looks exactly like Mr. Miyagi and does karate training, in our fitness room, during his lunch break. He likes me. Not in a sexual sense but he gets happy when I come around the cleaners. He likes to grab my hands and say "Hi Forewarning!", (I actually typed my real name through out the whole post...glad I caught it!)when I'm there for my daily once over in the tailoring mirror or when the office gets packages and I come to pick them up.

Today was a little different. He ahhhh....he pumped me one good time from the back. Awkward right? Yes. It was. Lol...I would have been completely mad and offended but he's harmless and totally played me so...... Here's how it went down...

I walked into the cleaners to do my once over in the mirror. He wasn't at the front counter so I called out to him, "Mr. Miyagi ?"(That's not his name but I changed it to protect the innocent)

He comes out from behind some clothes and says (in broken English), "Hi Forewarning! I working. Come back here. You special."

I come around the front counter and he's eyeing my work pants (he's tailored a couple for me). He says, "They nice. Good fit." Takes me hand, lifts it and says "Turn around?" I start to turn and half way around, while my back is to him he says, "Yes! Good fit!" grabs me around the waist and pumps my ass, one good time, then let's me go.....

I...uh.....It happened so quick! he...ah.....I don't know what to say. The guy has got to be 6 inches shorter then me, but if I'm being honest, his dick felt like a baby finger! EEWW! IF I"M BEING HONEST WITH MYSELF, I'm pretty sure he was hard! I think he has been plotting that move for weeks. I swear he has!

Anyway...I laughed awkwardly and started to say bye but he says, "Oh wait, lint." and runs up behind me and picks a piece of lint and a strand of hair off my blouse. Then says, "Bye Forewarning!"

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