Thursday, April 22, 2010

Look what I did today!

So I've been working on my company's blog and since I needed it to be a little more professional and official then my personal one, I spent the whole day learning how to change and update the two blogs.

I'm so excited!!!! It definitely wasn't easy but I think my shit has come a long way then it looked like yesterday. I don't wanna tell y'all my business blog's URL since I wanna stay incognegro, but that one is looking off the chain too! My business partner was blown away, since I'm doing the things we would have had to pay someone else to do. The pictures of our first couple events are up and I'm in the process of collecting photos from our very first client! It's basically an event and PR company, doing the shit I get paid to do at my 9-5. (have you heard the quote..."if you don't follow your dreams, you be making money for the people who followed theirs."...that's some real ass shit, which got me and my partner motivated to start doing our own thing on the side)

Things are really picking up for me since I'm started facing my fears and pursuing what I love to do. I'll touch upon more of that tomorrow but I just wanted to give a BIG shout out to myself and the people who forced me to turn around and face my talent and my fears. I couldn't have done it without you....

Thank you xoxo

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